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Length: 16.5 inches (42cm) This is a very stunning wand with an incredible Labradorite crystal point. The labradorite point has flashes of rainbow, somewhat hard to capture with a camera. A delicious specimen of Fibrous Malachite balances the point. Dragon stand not included. Labradorite's energy allows one to penetrate the veils of the Void, where all knowledge and possibility are held. It is the place of potential and the source of creation,... |
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Heliodor Vogel Golden Ray Power Wand Wand Properties: Amplification, Multidimensional, Prosperity, Expansion, New Horizons “Vogels” are used primarily for healing efforts, both for sending healing energy to the body and the spirit; meditation to focus the connections with spirit world beings; and in efforts to focus our Life Forces on accomplishing our goals and dreams with laser like focus. Basically a Vogel crystal is cut to amplify,... |
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This silver wand has a stunning large piece of vibrantly blue polished Apatite. A large amethyst crystal balances the other end. Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone. Amethyst is a natural tranquilizer, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances... |
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With this divine wand comes inspirations of beauty, wisdom, ancient knowledge. This wand will connect the Keeper with the inner goddess self. To walk this earthly path magically, is to be aware of each step you place on this earth and with what intent. This lovely power wand reminds us to step and walk with love and gratitude, the secret ingredients to a life of magic and play. Amethyst is for intuition. An Angel Aura crystal cluster amplifies... |
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